Author: Ágnes Ordasi
Horseracing in Hungary dates back centuries both
on Hungarian and on international level. Beginning
in the 1920s such an entitled group existed
that invigorated this noble sport. The world of horseracing
is rightfully said to be reserved as a tradition by jockeys,
trainers, horse-keepers and race organizers. For the
Reader to accurately understand the rules that the hooves
are throbbing to in the Kincsem Park from 2005, it is fi t
to know that horseracing is about the performance of the
horses, including to departments:
• Trotting: In this case, the horses are racing in trotting
pace, from the age of 2, by bound rules. Their jockeys
assist them to the fi nish line in a two-wheeled carriage
named sulky behind them.
• Gallop: In this case the horses start racing from
the age of 2 as well but they approach the fi nish line
in the fastest.
The Derby is the haute école of horseraces.
Countries are entitled to
host only one Derby per year, on
which the 3 years old mares and stallions
measure their abilities in a coeducated
race. Only those English thoroughbreds
are allowed to participate on a derby whose
parents are listed in the thoroughbred
Stallion Book carried in England.
In Hungary, the one horserace with the
highest prestige is the Hungarian Derby
on which the rules are strict and worthy
to the magnitude of the race. This is
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for every
horse where there is no opportunity to
ameliorate. The number of starter horses
depends on the size of the racetrack but
shall never be greater than 24. In the Kincsem
Park the maximum number of starter
horses allowed is 20. These horses, the
best of Hungary, have to prove themselves
on 2400 meters on the Hungarian Derby,
during which the experts examine them to
determine which one would be the best to
serve the highest possible improvement of
the kind and the sport.
As each activity concerning horses, the
horse sports qualify to be rather expensive.
This involuntarily leads to a type of selection
on those lucky enough to have a close
experience of the beauty of this noble
sport. Racehorses usually have one owner,
but in case of syndicates they have more.
This means that the owner, in addition to
the purchase price, undertakes the cost of
the maintenance and racing of the horse
and establishes a suitable team that consists
a jockey and a trainer. Besides these he covers
the price of the vet and other costs of
the horse. Naturally the expenses do not
grow alone, as if the horse manages to win,
the owner receives 80 percent of the prize
and the trainer and the jockey receive the
remaining 20 percent together.
Each owner and each stall are represented
by a jersey of unique colour and pattern,
for the racers to be
easily distinguishable
on the racetrack. The
rules allow a jockey
to rush for more than
one stalls, but he shall
wear the colours of
the horse he is currently
It is of no rarity that
the owners, instead
of representing their
racing horses by their
own names, use a name of incognito or the
name of the company.
The greater and most wanted racehorse owners
of Hungary:
• Gyö rgy Deá k – Á lmodó Istá lló
• Tamá s Sikló si – ESDE Bt.
• Gá bor Pá lfi – Telivé r Farm
• Lá szló Horvá th – Szenttamá si Mé nes
• Bá bolna Nemzeti Mé nes – Dió spuszta
Istá lló
The role of the above-mentioned trainer is
outstandingly important in terms of the carrier
of the horse. One has to possess a trainer
certifi cate and undertake responsibility
for the professional keeping, the training and
the racing of the horse. It is the trainer’s duty
to apply the horse to races appropriate to its
abilities and to properly get it ready for those.
The trainer is the person that determines
the tactics used during the race that he is to
announce to the jockey in the stall before the
beginning of the race.
When it comes to trainers, it is necessary to
mention the name of Zakariá s Aperianov
who assisted his rightfully famous horse,
named Imperial, to win the Hungarian Derby
17 times.
Outstanding further Hungarian trainers are:
• Gá bor Maronka
• Sá ndor Ková cs
• Sá ndor Ribá rszki
• Csaba Zala
• Ró bert Fé zer
Jockeys, or horse racers are indispensable
members of the team. It is their job to ride and
train the horse entrusted to them not only during
the laps but also during the preparation
period, and assist them to the most honourable
place possible, with the instructions of the
They jockeys are to be scaled before and after
the race as strict rules regulate the weight they
have to be to sit on the back of the horse. It
shall be mentioned that the weight restriction is
adjusted to the gender of the horse and not the
rider, that is the following: stallions shall carry
no greater weight than 57 kilograms while it is
only 55.5 kilograms in case of mares.
Based on the achievements of 2019, the best
Hungarian jockeys are:
• Georgiev Stanislav
• Gá bor Bakos
• Csenge Sutá k
• Viven Mocsinka
It was Kincsem who awakened the enthusiasm of<br /> Hungarian aristocrats to breed steeds similar to the<br /> wonder-mare as an intention to enhance the reputation<br /> of the Hungarian horse-breading worldwide. p>
When talking about Derby, one shall
not bypass the main characters of
this sport who became symbols due
to their peaking performance. These ones with
four legs did fi ght subduing even themselves,
with power over man for the highest step of
the stand.
Kincsem: The unbeatable wonder-mare was
born in Tápiószentmárton on the estate of
Ernő Blaskovich in 1879. Kincsem participated
on races in England, Austria, Deutschland,
France and the Czech Republic beside
Hungary. He started on 13 racecourses at 54
occasions and won 54 times. Based on his unmatched
he became famous
all-around Europe
and wore the titles of
“Hungarian miracle”,
“Hungarian wonder”,
and “Wonderstute”.
As it was said by Gyula
Krúdy in 1926:
“It was Kincsem who
awakened the enthusiasm
of Hungarian
aristocrats to breed steeds similar to the
wonder-mare as an intention to enhance
the reputation of the Hungarian horse-
breeding worldwide. All those people
including Izidor Majthé nyi, the Baltazzians,
Bé la Zichy, Antal Dré her, Gusztá v
Springer, Lá szló Teleki, Antal Apponyi,
Gá spá r Geist, Mikló s Luczenbacher, the
Rothschilds, the Sigrayans, Wenckheimeks,
Esterhá zys, Harká nyis, Rohonczy,
and Szemer were basically breading and
raising foals in the past fi fty years to catch
up with Ernő Blaskovich.”
Imperiál: he was born in 1960 on
the area of a stud-estate under the
hands of breeder József Rádoki. He
was one of the most outstanding racehorses
of the 20th century came fi rst on 20
starts out of 25 and second on two. He
was not promised a great future by the
experts when being a foal as being too vivid
and looking unlike usual thoroughbreds.
Despite these he managed to start
on the Derby of Austria, Hungary, on the
Prize of Socialist Countries and twice on
the Prize of Austria. His greatest success
is a second place on the Grand Prize of
Overdose: Unlike those above, Overdose
is not one of the wonder-horses bred
in Hungary, he was born in England. In
2006, on an auction in Newmarket Zoltán
Mikóczy Slovakian businessman was the
only one to offer a more signifi cant prize
after a weak bidding. The foal of – for fi rst
– uncharacteristic look was bought for
3000 euros and for the rather great pride
of the owner, his estimated price reached
5 million euros (about 1.5 billion HUF)
by 2009. On the fi rst 14 races he started
on, Overdose could never be defeated,
and he came fi rst on 15 races out of his
whole 18.
At the end, the reader might not know
where the name of the frequently mentioned
Derby stems from.
In 1781 the Earl of Derby city made a
bet with English aristocrat Sir Charles
Bunbury concerning the speed of their
horses. The stake was no other, but the
trophy entitled to the winner and the loser
could name the race. I think it is no
question who the trophy and who the naming
was entitled to.