Author: Jadon
Walking cane, as an actual phrase for
a type of walking sticks was not in
existence until the sixteenth century.
Through the ages, step by step, it evolved
from a simple tool to become the symbol of
power, prestige, wealth and the external denotation
of one’ social status. Up until then,
walking sticks had been used for centuries,
originally as an aid for travelling over uneven
ground, also as a defensive weapon.
Nevertheless nowadays walking canes are
more likely to appear in collectors and tradition
keepers’ closets, some of us might be
wondering how a simple tool became a meaningful
object, keeping its value through history.
Rulers of many cultures, past and present,
have carried some form of walking stick
or staff. In ancient Egypt, both the Pharaohs
and the common men used the stick or staff
for decoration, support and status, even the
Egyptian Gods were illustrated with staffs in
their hands. The popular sticks were varying
from three to six feet in length and were often
topped by an ornamental knob in the shape
of a lotus, a symbol of long life. The staffs’
importance carried along with cultures and
nations, until in the Middle Ages, a new form,
a sceptre, became popular. The spectre is a
staff or wand held in the hand by ruling a monarch,
as an item of royal or imperial insignia.
Figuratively, it means a royal or imperial
authority or sovereignty. With the appearance